Eric Faust, long time Executive Director of the IJCA, has resigned from the Class effective immediately. He has accepted a position as General Manager with the Laser Class.

I have personally worked with Eric since 2001 when he was initially hired by the USJCA and then eventually by the IJCA.  I consider him to be a good friend and he has done a very good job for our Class. He will be missed.

Eric has agreed to help with the transition for the next month or so. He will handle e-mail inquiries, measurement certificates and other inquiries that come to the Class.

The IJCA Executive Committee is now discussing various options available to fulfill the administrative needs of the Class.  We will update you as soon as a decision is reached.

In the interim, please continue to send questions and comments to the e-mail address,   Feel free to always contact me also,

We appreciate the years that Eric worked for the J24 Class. We wish him the best in his new position.

Best Regards,

Jim Farmer

IJCA Chairman

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