Twenty-nine teams waited at Davis Island Yacht Club in Tampa, FL for the seabreeze to start the J/24 Midwinter Championship. Just after lunch, the winds roused to around 6 knots and then built to 10, allowing three races under blue skies and temperatures near 80. Robby Brown’s Angel of Harlem is leading at the first turn with 12 points, following scores of 7,2,3 on Friday. Rossi Milev’s Clear Air sits five points in arrears with 17, and Mark Laura’s Baba Louie is just one notch further back with 18. Carter White’s YouRegatta kicked off the Championship with line honors, ahead of Milev’s Clear Air and Travis Odenbach’s Honeybadger. Milev moved up to the top spot in Friday’s middle race, when Brown’s Angel of Harlem and Dan Busch’s Buschwhacker cracked the top three. It was Tony Parker’s turn for the victory with Bangor Packet in the final duel, along with James Freedman’s Miss Conduct and Brown leading the group back to shore. Racing continues through Sunday. Photos are posted on the USA J/24 Class Facebook page, and complete results are available at