Gosford Sailing Club – 1 & 2 October 2011

What a weekend?…5 boats from VIC making the huge effort to come to Gosford.  4 boats from Pacific Sailing School with instructors skippering and students, some very new to the sport on board!  Terry Wise skippering Bandit!!  Some of the old die hard fleet returning for more hot racing!

Saturday giving us blue skies and a light breeze oscilating up to 50 degrees at times….difficult for most!!  Sunday was another story…torrential rain for the first race, coupled with a breeze most reckon was up to 35knots at times…tough conditions that saw just 8 of the original 15 boats race the final race of the day as one by one we saw J’s heading back towards the club!!

Gosford Sailing Club gave us the intended 4 races each day – an achievement in itself given the appaling conditions Sunday brought!..’Pure adrenalin’, ‘survival mode’…and ‘the reason we go racing’ were phrases that were bandied around back at the club….I think one member of Kaotic might have also mentioned  ’wet’ ..and that wasn’t the rain!

The results below say it all….a very competitive fleet…5 of the race wins going to current VIC Champion David Suda on Pacemaker, Sean Kirkjian, current National champion took out the other 3 firsts!  They were strongly contended by many of the other boats though and competition couldn’t have been closer at times!

I am proud to be part of this fleet…and mostly…very proud to get through a State Championships and see not one red flag…and not one prang!!  Well done everyone and thanks!  Also, a big thank you to Gosford Sailing Club for hosting a great regatta yet again, and also to our sponsor, UVEX for providing great prizes once more.

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