Warm temperatures and radiant sunshine in Indian Harbour Beach, FL didn’t equate to an expected seabreeze on the middle day of the J/24 Midwinter Championship. Winds at about 6 knots permitted one more race for the 28 boats, bring the total to five, and adding in the discard. Day one leader John Mollicone’s Sparcraft placed fourth, but is now able to toss a scoring penalty from race one, leaving him with 7 net points and the lead. Travis Odenbach’s Honeybadger took the bullet in Saturday’s lone contest, keeping him in second place at 10 points. Tony Parker’s Bangor Packet was next best behind Odenbach, moving him into third place overall with 17 points. Al Constants’ Blitz leads the 19-boat Corinthian division. Two berths are at stake for the 2024 World Championship in Seattle, WA: one Open and one Corinthian. Eau Gallie Yacht Club is hosting the event, including evening dock talks with the day’s top performers. Competitors also delighted in an evening dinner together Saturday before concluding racing Sunday. Photos are posted on the USA J/24 Class Facebook page, and complete results are available at https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/25481#_home.